The International Orthopaedic Diversity Alliance is a worldwide collaboration with a vision to unite leaders in orthopaedic surgery and industry to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. IODA aims to provide a global forum to promote diversity in orthopaedics through wide engagement, development of resources, support of diversity efforts and research. Membership is free and open to all in the healthcare sector.
IODA’s founding members had all previously engaged in activities to advance diversity and inclusion in orthopaedic surgery in their respective countries, hence the concept of creating an alliance of orthopaedic surgeons, to collaborate across national and continental boundaries for the same goal, was a natural progression.
It was made evident through the founding members’ experiences that a global diversity advocacy group should not only advocate for women but for all under-represented groups in orthopaedics - diversity writ large. Most importantly, research strongly supports that diversity and inclusion in healthcare is a vital strategy in eradicating healthcare inequalities.
The IODA Board has 12 members, including six regional representatives (Africa, the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America. The Board is supported by five Committees that progress IODA’s core activities.
IODA recognises that its members are integral to progressing positive change for the profession. Members have access to the latest diversity research and resources; they may communicate directly with other members and can promote their diversity events via IODA social media. IODA also offers opportunities for members to participate in collaborative research and in diversity symposia at international meetings.